In 2001 I learned one the most important lessos of my life. I had to move on from St Agatha's Pennant Hills to a new appointment at Toukley. St Agatha's had been my only experience of life as a priest, yet I somehow knew that I had to be decisive with saying goodbye so that I could be as completely present to my new parish as I had been in my last. One of the last weekends was with the young adults group pictured below on retreat, as many of these young adults took up leadership of their groups. But a challenge was that I had been accompanying a single mother with young kids who was dying of cancer. I visited and prayed often, but in my final week I said goodbye to her, and told her that Fr Vince would now be looking after her. A couple of weeks after I arrived at Toukley she died, and her family called me and asked me to do the funeral. I apologised and told them that I was now in another parish and that Fr Vince would do the funeral wonderfully (which was...