I had thought myself to be a bit of a pro at youth ministry. But I had a whole lot more to learn in Toukley. Our parish and school youth ministers had arranged a fantastic pilgrimage to Uluru. But because there were only female leaders, only girls went. And they came back saying what a great time they had and how they were able to be much more open because there were no boys around. This made me realise that there is a need for the boys too to have a tailor made program for them, because teenage boys are probably more in need of prompts to spirituality than teenage girls are. So I launched the Boys Beach Pilgrimage: five days in a borrowed minibus with me, another young adult youth leader and ten Year 10 & 11 boys, camping in national parks and on beaches up the north coast, including climbing Mt Warning to see the sunrise, pictured here. Along with the boisterousness of lots of beach soccer and cricket and swimming, we took time for affirmations and for silence, b...
Dave: Hey Jim, Slam that pickle juice down to cure those muscle cramps from all that reading.